I recently read a book that left an impression on me. Enough so that I wrote a book review on it in this blog and created a January challenge around it for the women in this community who were inter...
This week, I sent an email to my subscriber list, talking about gratitude and reasons I feel so very grateful for Life Balance After 50. Number one, by far, are the amazing women who are in this sup...
I compare the season of fall in my life to how I view New Year's Eve for everyone else. It is a time of year where I reflect on my summer and the previous year along with my goals and aspirations as...
Recently, I sent an email out to my Life Balance After 50 community on the topic of things that I love about being a woman over 50. We often complain about being in this stage of life - aches and pa...
Every year my family does what we fondly refer to as our "lake week." Both of my sons and their families, myself and my husband, and this past summer my parents, all go to my younger son's lake hous...
It's been a couple of years since I made the decision to "fade out" of my 25+ year career and a full year in which I've been totally client free and retired.
My mindset each morning when I wake up ...
At the beginning of each year, I send out a survey to the Life Balance Community about what you'd like to see more content on. What you need help with.
I went back to take a look at the list as I ...
Like many of us, I've been contemplating 2023 and reflecting on my thoughts, plans, and dreams for 2024.
I've chosen a word for the new year which shouldn't surprise anyone who's been following me...
As we live our lives on this side of 50, we continue to forge ahead and navigate new paths along the way.
Those of us who are parents often become empty nesters.
Those of us who worked, often ret...
My last couple of blog posts have centered around my recently stepping into a caretaking role for my mom. The events leading up to it have been rather sudden and have had a significant impact on my...
It's so funny (not funny). When we're after 50 we sort of think we've been through it all. Seen it all. Have navigated different things and have a full repertoire of skills and tools to get us ...
Life has been a bit nuts during the past 3-4 weeks.
Although this is fairly typical for me in August, it seems a bit worse this summer.
We are on the last legs of our beach home being built. W...