Things We Love About Being Women Over 50
Jun 03, 2024
Recently, I sent an email out to my Life Balance After 50 community on the topic of things that I love about being a woman over 50. We often complain about being in this stage of life - aches and pains, bodies changing, being treated differently in society, and the list goes on.
But, there are a lot of great things about being this age and I wanted us to take some time to consider those.
I asked my community in the email to tell me some things that they loved about being women over 50.
Here is our list!
- I am able to comfortably (for the most part) say "no" to something that I don't care to do or have time for. I am at a phase of life where I truly realize the value of my time and am able to make the choice to spend it in ways that are aligned with my priorities at this stage of the game.
I get to hang out with my grandchildren. I love this because they are my grandchildren but also because I don't have to enforce too many rules. I just get to be with them, talk with them, play with them, and have fun.
And then, I get to go home and let their parents enforce the rules!
- I have a greater appreciation for my life as a whole than I ever have before. Yes, there is a bit of crap going on - that's life! But, overall, I have much to be grateful for each day and I take the time each day to acknowledge that.
- I love not worrying so much about appearances.
- I like having time to explore the world.
- I love to travel.
- I love not dying my hair and getting compliments on the color.
- I love having time for me for the first time in forever.
- I love the freedom. Deciding who I get to spend time with. Spending more time with my husband in our full time RV lives!
- I love being able to continue to learn new things every day!
- I'm no longer afraid to try uncomfortable or hard things.
- I have strength and wisdom.
- I don't have to get up at 5:00 am to find time to take my walk before getting everyone fed and out the door for school. I can take it most days at whatever time I feel like!
- I read when I want to and take breaks when I feel like it. I've learned that these things can also be a part of "being productive."
- I no longer feel the need to keep busy just for the sake of keeping busy.
I talk often about how the women in our community can have difficulty in accepting or sitting with negative feelings. And I know that there are days where we feel our age more than others.
While it's important for us to acknowledge that there are days where it is hard or feels scary, I also want us to remember to take the moments to embrace the good things that come with it.
There are a lot of them and they're big!
What do YOU love about being over 50?