The Right Side of 50: Taking the Steps to Living Your Purpose
Imagine if there was a program that would give you the tools to:
- Create a life where you are able to spend at least part of every day doing the "thing" that brings you joy and passion;
- Create the healthy lifestyle and habits that you've "never had time for;"
- Realize that you are indeed NOT "too old to _____." (Insert any and all dreams into this blank)
What we ARE too old for is to continue to live each day reacting to the needs of those around us. We ARE too old to end each day having not spent at least part of it doing something for US!

Welcome to The Right Side of 50: Taking the Steps to Living Your Purpose
Do Any Of These Statements Sound Familiar?
- "I've always put family first and am continuing to do that and I love it. And family now includes our senior parents and grandchildren. And, although they require my time and attention, it's not 24/7 like it was years ago.
- "I've had a career and a family and I never took the time to do that 'thing" I've always wanted to do. I feel like I need to do it now before it's too late but I'm not sure where or how to start."
- "I'd love to _____ (travel, go back to school, write a book) but that's ridiculous at this stage of the game. It's too late."

"I am only on Module 3 and I love it! I am amazed at how actually doing the things you've laid out brings crystal clarity."

"I am loving this! These reflections are bringing me such clarity! Thank you!"

"I'm 59 years old and I'm glad I found this program. I'm always putting my kids and grandkids first and now, I think, it's time for me!"

Intro to the program
Meet a group of amazing everyday women who redefined on the Right Side of 50!
Take a quick look at the research about the benefits of finding your "thing" after 50!

Dive deeply into your reflections, visualizations, journaling, and brain dumping on past, present, and future.
This is a very intensive module

Take a good hard look at the barriers that have been standing in your way. This module can be a bit tough, but it's necessary.

All Things Goal Setting

Time: Our Most Valuable Commodity
A Look at All Things Scheduling

The Role of Habit and Routine on our Redefinition Journey.
Healthy habits and routines with a few keystones in the mix, set us up for great days overall.
The Right Side of 50: Taking The Steps to Living Your Purpose
Free for a Short Time as Part of the Ultimate Life Hacking Bundle
Sign Me Up!I've Been There
Hi! I'm Leslie and I'm so excited you're here. I started Life Balance After 50 shortly after moving my 80+ year old mom to live closer to us. We have 4 senior parents with whom we are very involved along with 5 grandchildren. In addition, I was at a point where I was considering leaving a career that I loved working with children and families on the autism spectrum.
I decided to take the leap and do the thing that I've always wanted to do. Write. And, more specifically, I was going to take my training and experience in the counseling and behavior anlaytic fields and create content to help women like me.
Women who are trying to figure out what they want to do on the Right Side of 50.